Thursday, November 7, 2013

Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday

          This week on Lumberjack Cooking, Sarah shows us how to create tacos for cheap and in the comfort of our own dorms. To create these delicious tacos you will need these ingredients(all prices are from Target and may vary):

Ground Beef-$2.49
Yellow and Red Peppers-$$4.49
Sour Cream-$1.99
Shredded Cheese-$2.59


The following are items that are used very minimal and are considered common household items.
Garlic salt 
Olive oil

If you do not have olive oil for the tortillas a good alternative is to place the tortillas in the microwave for about 30 seconds to warm them up.

The utensils needed for cooking are listed and most can be checked out at the front desk of your dorm:

2 pans: One for cooking the tortillas and one for cooking the meat.
Bowls for the veggies (4 small bowls)
Spoons for bowls (4-7 spoons)
Knive to cut veggies
Spatchula for sifting meat (1-2 pieces)
Fork or spatchula for flipping tortillas
Optional: Bowls for sour creme, shredded cheese, salsa, guacomole (3 bowls)

If you have trouble following the live demonstration of the cooking process the written steps are listed below:

Step One:
Preparation- cut up all of the lettuce, tomatoes, onions, yellow and red peppers and place them into separate bowls with spoons.

Step two:
Start making the tortillas- Put some butter on a pan and place the tortilla on there, flipping sides. No longer than a minute each. Don’t burn or leave on there too long or they will get hard and crack. Take finished tortilla off and stash in between two plates to keep warm.

Step Three: 
(This can be done with step 2 if you can handle it)
Smear a different frying pan with olive oil and put ground beef on it. You can put garlic salt, saute onions, and put the yellow and red peppers in with the meet to get the most taste. Cook the meat till its done.

Step Four:
Everyone grabs a tortilla and fills it with the ground beef and using the spoons in all of the different vegetable bowls builds their own taco. You can choose to put shredded cheese, sour cream, and salsa on your soft taco if you want.

 Thanks for watching this weeks episode of Lumberjack Cooking, stay tuned for the next amazing dish by Sarah.


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